3 Ways Pilates Can Improve Mental Health

Pilates is about more than just getting physically fit. It can boost your mood and improve your mental health. With life demands and stresses, we often forget how important mental health is to our overall wellbeing. Crazy schedules and deadlines further exacerbate our situation as we put our physical health on the back burner of our day. Pilates movement is not just a tool for your physical fitness but your mental fitness as well.

Improve Your Concentration and Memory

Pilates is mindful practice that focuses in the moment of each movement. It helps bring awareness and clarity of your body in your surroundings. Your focus while on the mat will strengthen your mind and memory, which helps you think more clearly.
When we think clearly, we feel like we can take on what the world throws at us which builds our confidence in ourselves. That confidence that we create through movement make us feel good about who we are within ourselves.

Improves Depression and Anxiety

Pilates uses breathing technique with movement that can help reduce anxiety. It helps us to remember to breathe while we move in life. When we are dealing with good and bad stress, we sometimes unknowingly hold our breath while creating tension in our bodies. That tension can cause anxiety and depression in some individuals. Using breath work with movement allows us to calm our mind and body, and reminds us to breath while embarking on life’s adventures. Breathing helps reduce symptoms of unrest and uneasiness in ourselves, which can restore our emotional balance. When we feel calm, we feel peace with ourselves. When we feel at peace, we can enjoy the life we were given no matter the circumstances.

Improves Sleep

Keeping active improves your quality of sleep and REM cycles. When you do not sleep well, your mood is dampened and sometimes you end up feeling unwell, which can lead to mood swings throughout the day. Also, people who do not wake up feeling refreshed each morning can start having focus and memory issues. Lack of sleep can also cause your cortisol levels to rise and fall in ways that can result in health complications. Pilates exercises can help relax both the mind and body so it is easier to fall asleep at night. With deeper sleep, you can focus better throughout the day without mental exhaustion. When we start our day at our best, the condition of our mood is excellent to tackle the day ahead of us. Pilates is designed to strengthen our physical bodies but it also improves our mental health. Improving mental health improves how we feel inside. When you feel good, you enjoy your life and everything in it.

Learn more about how you can start improving your mental health through Pilates. We offer in-person and live online classes through Zoom. We are looking forward to meeting you and putting a smile on your face through movement.